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Tech to Market
Essenstraat 1
5616 LG Eindhoven
The Netherlands
How to digitally transform your customer service (in 100 days)? Studio Winegum shared do’s and don’ts plus some high impact client case studies. Learn from industry leaders like Oxxio (energy) and Ditzo (insurance). Visitors did learn which tough and complex decisions they have to make along the way, leading to this one goal; highly engaged and happy customers.
Your oldest, youngest, most loyal and newly onboarded customers all have one thing in common; they seek the shortest route to the best available information. Is yours short enough?
Co-owner Studio Winegum
Studio Winegum is an Amsterdam based advisory and implementation studio. They help organizations with large contact centers and e-commerce platforms improving their digital service so customers become more satisfied. This often includes building virtual assistants and highly detailed FAQs. Or changing the landscape in where support plays a role. Studio Winegum stands for a digital transformation in 100 days. This results in call & email reduction, improved customer satisfaction and an increase in the use of digital channels and self-service ratio.
High Tech Campus Eindhoven and Tech to Market join forces and present Digital Deep Dives (DDD) 2018. DDD is the new name for the ‘old’ HTC MarCom network meet-ups. We decided it was time to dust ‘m off a bit and schedule a few for 2018. Different name, same idea. If you have any thoughts or wishes regarding topics we should explore in our next DDD, please contact us!
Tell what's on your mind and we'll be in touch soon!