Tell what's on your mind and we'll be in touch soon!
Tech to Market
Essenstraat 1
5616 LG Eindhoven
The Netherlands
After three very successful editions, Manic Mondays Nº4 explores the sweet spot of e-commerce and B2B marketing in Emerging E-commerce!
At the moment B2B e-commerce is rapidly becoming ‘Business as Usual’. Keeping in mind that Amazon Business is counting more than one million customers as we speak. How is your company adapting to these developments?
Mark has gained tons of experience while rolling out a new e-commerce strategy for a multinational giant in electronics and office equipment Ricoh. He will share learnings and his professional view on how to plan and execute (large) e-commerce projects. For example, did you know the HIPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) can be a real threat to your success? Do you know how educating stakeholders can help you engage them, resulting in delivering real change and better profits? This and more in his 30-minute talk.
Based on her recent experience in leading the European market entry for one of the hottest trends in mobile right now PopSockets, Marieke will tell you all about her ‘5-pillar approach’. With this unique way of working, she makes sure companies are ready for doing ‘serious business’ on major platforms like Amazon Business.
Marieke has held several positions in this field, the latest being the global e-commerce manager at Philips. Next, to that, she has over 10 years of experience in digital marketing ranging from global media management to having her own social network.
Manic Mondays is a new series of events. 4x per year, this will be the best opportunity for you to meet up with other (smart) technology marketers in Brainport Eindhoven! Manic Mondays are organized and hosted in close partnership with High Tech Campus Eindhoven.
The concept is simple. During each event, there are two 30-minute (-ish) talks by leading industry experts, operating at the intersection of marketing, digital and technology. We’re domain and technology agnostic, so anything goes! From smart to sports and from engineering to 3D printing.
It’s the best excuse to leave the office at 15h30, to return with fresh ideas the day after.
Tell what's on your mind and we'll be in touch soon!